Callum Cherry
Level Designer
The Major goals here were to create a game that was fun and intuitive, while still being a game suitable to primarily children. Particularly, we wanted a game that had a very acrade like style to it, that could easily be implemented into a multiplayer style of game further down the development line if we chose to build further on our work. Our choice to design the environments and characters in a ‘saturday-morning cartoon’ style seemed to really fit well with the image we all had, so of course we would follow through with it.
My role within the group as a Game Designer involved multiple roles. Primarily, coming up with and filtering through the ideas for core gameplay.
As well as this, I found myself in a position of Level Designer, where I could create the concepts and layouts of our games core levels. This for me was my favourite role, as it gave me a chance to work around how our character progresses, hazards and AI paths.
I also took on some of the 3D asset creation in order to assist in the production of our game.